Search Results
385 for a single BW 183
385 atg squat max
385lb deadlift @ 160lb BW
275lb bench w/ pause at 183 BW
115kg Clean and Jerk 62kg bw
Triple BW DL at 132lbs
385 squat at 180 bodyweight
Deadlift 385lbs 10 reps (8+ juggernaut accumulation) @183lbs bw. Felt 3.5/5. 06/21/2023
385 Squat with Great Depth
High Bar Squats 285x3 Push Press 185x1 @183
Deadlift 385lbs 10 reps (5+ juggernaut intensification) @183lbs bw. Felt 4/5. 06/04/2023
385 pound World Record Deadlift by 100 pound Dr. Payal Ghosh